Um wiki (/ˈwiki/) é um website no qual utilizadores modificam colaborativamente conteúdo e Descrição online: Kurt_Jansson/Vortrag_auf_dem_19C3; Möller, Erik (2003). Loud and clear: How Internet&n


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Beiteddine Palace (Arabic: قصر بيت الدين ‎) is a 19th-century palace in Beiteddine, Lebanon.It hosts the annual Beiteddine Festival and the Beiteddine Palace Museum. El parque nacional de Yellowstone —en inglés: Yellowstone National Park— es un parque nacional ubicado en los estados de Wyoming, Montana e Idaho, en Estados Unidos, y cuya superficie abarca 3468,4 mi² (8983,2 km²). Wikipedia The world's largest encyclopedia available on the Web at

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She has had a long friendship with fellow Love & HipHop: New York star: Remy Ma for some time. 2001-01-15 2003-11-18 History. Emir Bashir II of the Shihab dynasty, who later became the ruler of the Mount Lebanon Emirate, built the palace between 1788 and 1818 at the site of the Druze hermitage. After 1840, the palace was used by the Ottomans as a government building. During the French Mandate it served as a local administrative office..

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The best Wikipedia experience on your Mobile device. Ad-free and free of charge, forever. With the official Wikipedia app, you can search and explore 40+ million articles in 300+ languages, no matter where you are. Wikipedia, free Internet-based encyclopedia, started in 2001, that operates under an open-source management style. It is overseen by the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation and is one of the most-visited sites on the Internet. It uses a collaborative software known as wiki for editing articles.

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Coordinates. Beiteddine Palace (Arabic: قصر بيت الدين ‎) is a 19th-century palace in Beiteddine, Lebanon.It hosts the annual Beiteddine Festival and the Beiteddine Palace Museum. El parque nacional de Yellowstone —en inglés: Yellowstone National Park— es un parque nacional ubicado en los estados de Wyoming, Montana e Idaho, en Estados Unidos, y cuya superficie abarca 3468,4 mi² (8983,2 km²). Wikipedia The world's largest encyclopedia available on the Web at Wikipedia is user generated, and anyone can create or edit an article (see wiki). Founded in 目前香港共有6間由香港房屋委員會持有的運作中的工廠大廈,總單位數目為8,224個,總出租面積達202,146平方公尺。 房委會運作中工廠大廈分佈在九龍灣、長沙灣、沙田、屯門及葵涌。 Prezydent Idriss Déby zmarł z powodu ran odniesionych podczas dowodzenia siłami przeciwko rebeliantom na północy kraju.

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