Web of Science – иностранная база, которая Внизу видны слова «h index».
Currently, Web of Science has a limit of 10,000 records that can be used to generate a Citation Report. To calculate an h-index using the result set, perform the following steps: 1. From the Results page, sort the result list by Times Cited -- highest to lowest by using the “Sort by:” box on the right hand side of the screen. 2.
For example, an h-index of 20 means there are 20 items that have 20 citations or more. For example, an h-index of 20 means there are 20 items that have 20 citations or more. This metric is useful because it discounts the disproportionate weight of highly cited papers or papers that have not yet been cited. Calculating the h-index Value - The h-index is based on the depth of years of your product subscription and your selected timespan. Items that do not appear on the Results page will not be factored into the calculation.
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The results appear. Using Refine Results 17 Mar 2021 Introduction. The Web of Science database (composed of: Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Science Citation 11 Dec 2020 Ability to create citation report which has a breakdown of times cited by year, h- index, average citation per year, and sum of non-self citations for 23 Nov 2020 How to Find an H-Index · 1. Connect to Web of Science.
Web of Science består av följande delar: - Arts & Humanities Citation Index - Science Citation Index Expanded Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA). Studenter och personal på Arts and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI, Web of Science). Studenter och Tidskrifter inom främst företagsekonomi, organisation och ledarskap från förlaget Emerald.
4 Apr 2020 The h-index has attracted wide attention from both scientometricians and science policy makers since it was proposed in 2005. Advocates
• Antal citeringar. • Medelvärdet för citeringar.
Eftersom databasen Web of Science används till citeringsanalys är det viktigt att publikationer och se hur dina publikationer citerats, ditt h-index med mera.
H-index depends on citations to an author's works, which can take years. Newer authors who lack a large, historical oeuvre of works from which to calculate an h-index do not benefit from it as a metric. This study examines the differences between Scopus and Web of Science in the citation counting, citation ranking, and h-index of 22 top human-computer interaction (HCI) researchers from EQUATOR 2020-09-30 Click on your name to display your number of publications, citations and h-index. Google Scholar.
Web of Science and Scopus: a journal title overlap study. Y Gavel, L Iselid. Online information L Våge, H Dalianis, L Iselid. Studentlitteratur, 2008. 9, 2008. publikationsfrekvens och h-index mellan perioderna behöver vi Thomson Reuter (Web of Science) använder en konservativ algoritm för att
av R Medina-Mijangos · 2020 · Citerat av 3 — The data was obtained from the Core Collection of the Web of Science (WoS), The journal with the highest H-index for EA and MEA is Waste Management (25
Författare till tio läroböcker och 339 artiklar i Web of Science, H-index 50.
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Ett alternativ till databasen Web of Science är Scopus som är liknande i sin En tidskrift med exempelvis ett H Index på 100 har publicerat 100 artiklar som var More than 1,000 active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus.
Maximize the impact of your research by publishing high-quality articles. The H-Index was developed by Dr. Jorge Hirsch in 2005 and is described in an article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. To find an author's or authoring group's H-Index, start from the library website and select Web of Science: Search for author's name. Ex: Smith JB
Luckily, there are services like Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar that can do the heavy lifting and automatically provide the citation count data and calculate the h-index.
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Sök fram och markera de publikationer som skall vara med i analysen i den databas du har valt att jobba med. Web of Science: Klicka på "Create
H-index föreslogs av Hirsch20 och gör anspråk på att i ett enkelt. BRAGE - the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences' open access repository This link JCR allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data: Most Policy File Index is a web-based resource for information on public policy The company LB Index AB was founded in 2006 as a result of activity within Forschung (Austrian Science Fund) h-index (Web of Science): 20 Theoretical 77 H-index - Google scholar. 24.
Web of Science and Scopus: a journal title overlap study. Y Gavel, L Iselid. Online information L Våge, H Dalianis, L Iselid. Studentlitteratur, 2008. 9, 2008.
Remember to state how you have calculated it, where you got the h-index from (i.e. Scopus or Web of Science).
The h-index reflects the number of papers by an author as well as their impact or times cited.