0 SpA Clefable Moonblast vs. +1 0 HP / 4 SpD Kommo-o: 252-300 (86.5 - 103%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO after 1 layer of Spikes Where have you seen a Kommo-o run Flash Cannon or Poison Jab over Flamethrower, Boomburst, Drain Punch, Substitute, or Close Combat?
Thunder complements Moonblast nicely, pressuring Ho-Oh, bulky Kyogre, and Lugia. Substitute wraps up the set, letting Xerneas use Ferrothorn lacking STAB
Secondary Effect: Effect Rate: May lower opponent's Special Attack one stage. 30 % Corresponding Max Move: MaxMove Power: Max Starfall: 130 Happy Easter from Smogon University! We've got your usual Pokemon of the Week, this time covering Mega Diancie. Enjoy! Mega Diancie has quite a bit to offer a team, both offensively and defensively. Moonblast is a Light-type move. Moonblast collects moonlight for a brief moment before releasing a large ball of energy, has a chance to lower the target's Energy by one stage.
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Mega Altaria does not mind being burned, as it has access to Heal Bell, can set up on Rotom-W with Dragon Dance, and can recover off any damage thanks to Roost. View strategies and more for Clefairy on the Smogon Strategy Pokedex. View strategies and more for Jumbao on the Smogon Strategy Pokedex. Gen SS. Search. Pokemon.
Synthesis is used to immediately restore half of Florges's HP. Finally, Aromatherapy heals Florges of status and makes Florges extremely hard for defensively oriented teams to take down; it also provides useful cleric support for the rest of Florges's team. Moonblast can put out some extra damage on Fighting-, Dark-, and Dragon-types like Passimian and Guzzlord.
Moonblast ムーンフォース. Power Points, Base Power, Accuracy. 15, 95, 100. Battle Effect: Borrowing the power of the moon, the user attacks the target.
This Pokemon's Normal-type moves become Fairy type and have 1.3x power. Moonblast provides Clefable with a solid STAB attack that hits surprisingly hard, taking out Mega Gyarados, Kommo-o, and Zygarde. Seismic Toss is an alternative that hits Fire-type targets like Mega Charizard Y, Heatran , and Volcarona , but can't hit Ghost-types like Mega Sableye . 2021-03-06 Moonblast gives Tapu Fini an edge against Ash-Greninja and Hawlucha, while also allowing it to chunk Dragon-types like Mega Latios, Hydreigon, and Kyurem.
Moonblast gives Xerneas maximum damage output against neutral targets due to Fairy Aura and STAB. Grass Knot consistently deals more damage to Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, Arceus-Ground, and Arceus-Water. Thunder is an alternative that hits Ho-Oh, Celesteela, and Primal Kyogre.
Pokemon. Moves. Moonblast.
Moonblast gives Tapu Fini an edge against Ash-Greninja and Hawlucha, while also allowing it to chunk Dragon-types like Mega Latios, Hydreigon, and Kyurem. Scald is instrumental for the Heatran matchup, but it's also very helpful to potentially punish Tapu Bulu with a burn and give Tapu Fini a better matchup against Landorus-T , Stealth Rock Gliscor , and Mega Mawile .
Floragatan 8
Z-Move effects.
Started to take OU seriously this gen. Average around 1600-1700 and GXE is 71.1%. Whenever I bring one of my teams to the …
Moonblast - STAB Fairy flyttar bara för att skrämma skiten ur Jangmmo-o och Hydreigon.
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Moonblast ムーンフォース Power Points: Base Power: Accuracy: 15 95 100 Battle Effect: Borrowing the power of the moon, the user attacks the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Atk stat. Secondary Effect: Effect Rate: May lower opponent's Special Attack one stage. 30 % Corresponding Z-Move: Z-Move Power: Twinkle Tackle: 175
Moonblast deals damage and has a 30% chance of lowering the target's Special Attack by one stage. Z-Move effects. When a Pokémon is holding Fairium Z and uses its Z-Power, Moonblast turns into Twinkle Tackle and has base power 175. - Moonblast - Stored Power - Rest The idea behind this set is to set-up Amnesia in front of special attackers and to use Rest when we are at low hp and/or we are hit by Toxic. The attacking moves are Stored Power and Moonblast in the preferred STAB because it gets rid of the Dark-type pokemons immune to Psychic attacks. Moonlight | SM | Smogon Strategy Pokedex Loading Similar moves.
For Pokemon X on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Moonblast".
Choice Specs are a held item that increases the holder's Special Attack by 1.5x in exchange for only being able to use one move. Despite its competition with other Fairy-types, Aromatisse's unorthodox moveset and ability Aroma Veil give it a unique niche! The combination of Trick Room, Encore, and Disable in the appropriate Moonblast ムーンフォース Power Points: Base Power: Accuracy: 15 95 100 Battle Effect: Borrowing the power of the moon, the user attacks the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Atk stat.
Pokemon. Moves. Moonblast.