20% of today's diesel trains replaced with hydrogen- ske, till skillnad från flytande drivmedel som diesel och bensin. 55 kWh to 52 kWh per kg H2 (Haeolus).


You are currently converting energy units from kg of oil equivalent to kilowatt hour 1 koe = 11.63 kWh

Fuel: Net CV by mass: Bulk density: Energy density by volume: GJ/tonne: kWh/kg: kg/m 3: MJ/m 3: kWh/m 3: Wood chips (30% MC) 12.5: 3.5: 250: 3,100: 870: Log wood (stacked - air dry: 20% MC) As the diesel generator was smaller in capacity (and used only for 3–4 h per day), it essentially emits less pollutants compared to those reported by Ghost et al. who estimated annual pollutants of CO 2 to be ∼222,211 kg and 59,069 kg from wood and diesel, respectively, in their power plant . 3.60 MJ = 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) 1 barrel condensate = 0.935 barrels of oil equivalent 1 PJ of Natural Gas = 172,000 barrels of oil equivalent 1 tonne LPG = 8.46 barrels of oil equivalent 1 cubic meter (m 3) = 35.315 cubic feet 1 tonne = 1000 Kg 1 kilolitre = 6.2898 barrels. Emission indices (Kg CO 2 /GJ) (kg CO2eq per unit) Uncertainty Conversion Gas GWP GWP CH4 kg 0%25.00 Conversion Gas GWP GWP N2O kg 0%298.00 Energy Electricity Country Canada kWh 10%0.19 Energy Heat Combustible Black coal kWh 0.32 Energy Heat Combustible Brown coal kWh 10%0.40 1 kg of Diesel produce 3.16 kg of CO 2. 1 litre of Diesel produce 2.63 kg of CO 2. (3155.8*0.832=2625.6) These data represent the average kg CO 2 emitted to produce one kWh of electricity and heat using various energy sources, the data vary depending on the performance of power plants.

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LH2. 17 Sep 2019 But its CO2 emissions are higher than those of diesel. The climate impact thus lies between diesel (0.27 kg CO2/kWh) and coal (0.34 kg  Air cargo – 1.278 kg CO2e per Ton-Mile; Truck – 0.209 kg CO2e per Ton-Mile Energy Certificate = 1 Megawatt Hour (MWh) = 1,000 Kilowatt Hours (KWh)  NOx Regulated Value ( g/kWh ). IMO TierII ( Year 2011 ) NOx emission levels began for marine diesel engines with a power of above. 130kW on vessels Fuel rates: Specific gravity 840g/liter, low calorific value 42700kj/kg.

Men har använt ca 120 kg kväve (10 kwh/kg) och kanske 150 liter diesel, (också ca 10  Energiinnehåll i REX = 0,429 kWh/kg.

Biogas. Etanol. Bensin. Vanlig diesel. Diesel - Evolution. HVO. Vikt kg. Energi Biogas. (kWh/kg). Naturgas. (kWh/m3). Naturgas. (kWh/kg). 12,93. 11. 13,25 

350 ppm. Energiinnehåll i kWh biogas resp. bensin: 1 Nm 3 biogas = 9,8 kWh.

Diesel kwh kg

Stekningen kostade 5/60 tim *1,5 kw = 0125 kwh. Men har använt ca 120 kg kväve (10 kwh/kg) och kanske 150 liter diesel, (också ca 10 


Diesel kwh kg

MRE electrolyzers require 48 kilowatt hours (KWH) of electricity to produce 1 kg of hydrogen. comparable diesel vehicle when operated in any country in Europe. Hao et al.b. 2017 from Romare et al.
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Diesel kwh kg

10,02 kWh/ liter. Tung brännolja.

The conversion factors for this calculator are documented in the Energy Equivalency of Fuels table.
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Energiinnehåll ren diesel MK1: 9,80 kWh/l [STEM1] Energiinnehåll FAME: 9,17 kWh/l [STEM1] Klimatpåverkan WTW ren diesel: 89,2 g/MJ = 3,20 kg/l [JEC] Klimatpåverkan TTW ren diesel: 73,3 g/MJ = 2,63 kg/l [JEC] Klimatpåverkan WTW FAME: 52,0 g/MJ = 1,70 kg/l [STEM2] Kommentar Klimatpåverkan givet EU-mix av ren diesel och svensk mix av FAME

specifik bränsleförbrukning 200 g/kWh ; densitet diesel 0,85 kg/l => 0,235 l/kWh 150 kW * 0,235 l = 35 l/h (som delas med hastigheten 8 mil/h => 4,4 l/mil) (Kanske kan medeleffekten vara något lägre, detta är ju räknat vid optimal verkningsgrad, men teslas siffror blir hursomhelst helt orimliga) Formula: 1HP = 0.736 kW 1 kg Diesel at 0.84 kg/dm3 = 1.19 l 1kW = 1.36 HP Rule of thumb: approx.190 g/kWh correspond to 0.226 l/kWh approx.140 g/HP correspond to 0.167 l/HP/h Formula for consumption in litres/hour: Example: Burner power in kW 600 kW = 62 l/h Energy value of fuel in kWh/kg x density in kg/dm 3 11.8 kWh/kg x 0.82 kg/dm 3 fuel, calorific value. (kWh/kg), (MJ/l). propane, 13.8, 25.4. petrol, 13.0, 34.7. diesel oil (DERV), 12.7, 37.9.

Diesel Biodrivmedel El Övriga biobränslen Eldningsolja m.m. Övriga bränslen. Källa: Statistik från kWh/kg mjölk. › Den energin som behövs till mjölkning 

Utsläpp; 13,4 ton + 35,9  Diesel Biodrivmedel El Övriga biobränslen Eldningsolja m.m. Övriga bränslen. Källa: Statistik från kWh/kg mjölk.

LHV of diesel assuming  it emits 1.0 kg carbon dioxide for generating one kilowatt hour of electricity. Fuel, Emissions in kgCO2 / kWh, Emissions in kgCO2 / GJ Diesel, 0,27, 74,1. 1 kg of hydrogen has the same energy content as. 1 gallon (3.2 kg) of gasoline. U.S. Department of 2 Diesel physical state compressed gas or liquid compressed gas liquid liquid 1 kilowatthour (kWh) = 3.6 megajoules(MJ). Temperatu 27 Feb 2020 While backup generators primarily use diesel or natural gas, hydrogen fuel Still , it notes, a hydrogen cost of $6/kg delivered to a very remote  22 Oct 2019 LPG (propane) conversion tables: with Gas kg to litres, MJ to kWh & kg to m³, litres to m³ & all other pairings. Also Gallons, Pounds, BTU,  However, I calculate an overall efficiency of 20,4 %, as follows.