Mysteriet på Père-Lachaise (Innbundet). Serie: Victor Legris mysterier 2. Forfatter: Claude Izner. Johanna Hedenberg (Oversetter). 139,–. Tittelen finnes ikke
Claude Izner är en psuedonym för två systrar som säljer böcker vid Seines strand. Laurence Lefèvre och Liliane Korb vet allt om 1800-talets Paris. Deras serie om amatördetektiven Victor Legris har blivit enormt populär med en halv miljon sålda böcker i Frankrike och utgivning i bland annat England, USA, Spanien, Tyskland, Italien och Grekland.
Sep-2012. / Historical Mystery. A Victor Legris Mystery - 5. In In the Shadows of Paris, the fifth installment in this c'est magnifique Victor Legris series by Claude Izner, a murderer is at large in belle-epoque Paris. In the turbulent Parisian summer of 1893,Victor Legris … In the Shadows of Paris (Victor Legris Mysteries, No. 5) by Claude Izner and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at
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Laurence Lefèvre och Liliane Korb vet allt om 1800-talets Paris. Deras serie om amatördetektiven Victor Legris har blivit enormt populär med en halv miljon sålda böcker i Frankrike och utgivning i bland annat England, USA, Spanien, Tyskland, Italien och Grekland. Claude Izner är en pseudonym för systrarna Liliane Korb och Laurence Lefèvre som båda har arbetat som bokhandlare på Seines kajer. Deras färgstarka miljöbeskrivningar och underhållande karaktärer placerar läsaren mitt i 1890-talets Paris.
Both are secondhand booksellers on the banks of the Seine and experts on nineteenth-century Paris.
Samma dag får Victor Legris en röd, högklackad sko levererad till sin bokhandel. Han förstår snart att skon hör ihop med den mördade kvinnan, och börjar nysta
The third installment of the Victor Legris murder series by authors Claude Izner is another winner of the highest caliber. Multiple murders this time involve a highly developed plot to keep the reader turning the pages.
The Père-Lachaise Mystery: 2nd Victor Legris Mystery · Publisher Description · More Books by Claude Izner & Lorenza Garcia Lorenza Garcia · Other Books in This
by Claude Izner. 2.67 · 9 Ratings · 1 Reviews · published 2003 · 1 edition.
Il y a eu la formidable saga de Victor Legris,
27. Jan. 2011 Wie in der Biographie von Claude Izner kurz erwähnt, ist die Hauptperson in diesem Werk der Buchhändler Victor Legris. Der Kriminalroman
20 Feb 2018 Claude Izner is the pseudonym of two sisters Liliane Korb born in 1940 who jointly write the popular "Victor Legris" series of crime novels. Yeah, reviewing a ebook murder on the eiffel tower victor legris 1 claude izner could build up your close associates listings. This is just one of the solutions for
Il drago del Trocadéro. Un'indagine di Victor Legris Claude Izner. € 17,67 -5% € 18,60.
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Claude Izner is the pseudonym of Liliane Korb (born in 1940) and Laurence Lefèvre (born in 1951) who write the "Victor Legris" crime novels. Legris is a bookseller in late 19th-century Paris who is also an amateur detective.
Both are second-hand booksellers on the banks of the Seine and experts on nineteenth century Paris. Claude Izner has 45 books on Goodreads with 8573 ratings.
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Claude Izner CLAUDE IZNER is the pseudonym of two sisters, Liliane Korb and Laurence Lefevre, authors of the Victor Legris Mysteries. Both are second-hand booksellers on the banks of the Seine and experts on nineteenth century Paris.
Victor Legris, bookseller and part-time detective, is pondering over a single red shoe that has been brought to his attention by a Parisian goatherd, who discovered it in the street.
In The Assassin in the Marais, the fourth title in the bestselling Victor Legris mystery series by Claude Izner, Victor Legris finds a new case to investigate when his business partner's apartment is burgled.
Aggiungi Mezzanotte all impasse du Cadran 24 nov. 2017 Nous les avons rencontrées à l'occasion de la réédition des 3 premiers tomes des enquêtes de Victor Legris, leur personnage emblématique de Mejores Libros y eBooks de CLAUDE IZNER con su Biografía y Bibliografía en forêt de Montmorency bouleverse le train-train du libraire Victor Legris, 9 nov.
2009-12-06 2019-05-04 2013-07-23 av Claude Izner (Bok) Svenska, För vuxna Andra boken med bokhandlaren och amatördetektiven Victor Legris i Paris under slutet av 1800-talet. En av Legris tidigare älskarinnor, änkan Odette de Valois, försvinner spårlöst på Père-Lachaise-kyrkogården. In In the Shadows of Paris , the fifth installment in this c'est magnifique Victor Legris series by Claude Izner, a murderer is at large in belle-epoque Paris.