Two numbers r and s sum up to 3 exactly when the average of the two numbers is \frac{1}{2}*3 = \frac{3}{2}. You can also see that the midpoint of r and s corresponds to the axis of symmetry of the parabola represented by the quadratic equation y=x^2+Bx+C.
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That "conventional" method you talk about, only works when the derivative of the power is a constant. Dec 12, 2005 #4 Since the exponent −x2 - x 2 approaches −∞ - ∞, the quantity e−x2 e - x 2 approaches 0 0. 0 0 List the horizontal asymptotes: y = 0 y = 0 well for (e^x)^2, you get e^2x because you multiply the 2 and the x. for e^xsquared it remains the same. when you multiply them you get e^2x+x^2 because you add the exponents here. so finally you maclaurin e^{x^2} en. Related Symbolab blog posts.
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2021-02-01 · So, on some level, the problem here is the \(x\) that is in front of the exponential. If that wasn’t there we could do the integral. Notice as well that in doing integration by parts anything that we choose for \(u\) will be differentiated.
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csch(x) = 1/sinh(x) = 2/( e x - e-x) . cosh(x) = ( e x + e-x)/2 . sech(x) = 1/cosh(x) = 2/( e x + e-x) . tanh(x The square of X/σ has the noncentral chi-squared distribution with one degree of freedom: X 2 /σ 2 ~ (μ 2 /σ 2).
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Yes, y[n] = E .x[k] is causal because the value of y[-] at any instant n depends only on the previous (past) values of x[-]. Invertible: (b) y(t) = x(2t) is invertible; x(t) = y(t/2).
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