An on-demand worker is someone employed by an on-demand company such as Uber, Lyft, Instacart or Postmates although many on-demand workers work for  


The parallel meaning bank: Towards a multilingual corpus of translations annotated Enabling On-Demand Decentralized IoT Collectability Marketplace using 

when needed; when asked for; to ask for with the proper right; claim as a right; at any time that you want or need something; Example Sentences. These days babies are normally fed on demand. Oil prices drop on demand worries as Coronavirus cases rise. Ronnie is always ready to dance on demand. on demand adj. in a promissory note, a requirement that the amount due must be paid when the person to whom the funds are owed demands payment (rather than upon a certain date or on installments).

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The meaning of this idiom is (idiomatic) When needed or required.. Here you can check out the meaning of On Demand. Explore more Idiom Meanings. Definition of ON DEMAND (phrase): whenever people want it. Definition and synonyms of on demand from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education..

Nov 7, 2018 The most basic definition of on demand delivery is that it is the very speedy delivery of a product after you have placed your order.

On-demand computing is a delivery model in which computing resources are made available to the user as needed. The resources may be maintained within the user's enterprise, or made available by a cloud service provider. When the services are provided by a third-party, the term cloud computing is often used as a synonym for on-demand computing.

Oil prices drop on demand worries as Coronavirus cases Origin. adj.

On demand meaning

Every single item we produce is made on-demand, meaning our products are made for actual customers, not prospective ones, ensuring our impact stays on 

av E Torkelson · 1997 · Citerat av 7 — of stress is often illustrated by means of the demand-control-support model, According to the model, work that is characterised by high demands, low  Presentation and demo content will be presented live and hosted on-demand, meaning you can join anywhere, access and watch content from  2015, Martin Tobias Lithner, Retro: En bok om hemdatorer och TV-spel, dess utveckling och historia, BoD - Books on Demand (ISBN 9789175698342) This material may not be duplicated, in whole or in part, by any means, without the express Indicates whether you are watching Live TV, Video on Demand, a. Weak productivity and an ageing population mean that we might see to implement and less costly in social terms if there is strong demand. av J Harju · 2021 · Citerat av 1 — Table 1 also shows that mean and median HTC claimants have a notably higher taxable income than the average Finnish taxpayer. While the  The Last Supper: Beyond Da Vinci's Masterpiece | LivTalks On Demand with Elisa. This LivTalk is On-demand, meaning it is available and ready when you are!

On demand meaning

prepositional phrase. 0. on demand Meaning | Synonyms. Example Sentences. These days babies are normally fed on demand. Oil prices drop on demand worries as Coronavirus cases Origin. adj.
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On demand meaning

Demand is based on  Demand on is used when a situation is challenging, difficult, or pressure-packed for some entity. For example, at some restaurants, there is a high demand on the   The idiom "on demand" means at any time something is needed.

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The various roles of the government budget mean that it is not only a financial document; but also that it must be based on statistics and other information on the.

On the release of a new product, a very high price is set at first in order to maximize profit by  English To Khmer Offline Dictionary & Translator Have you ever faced a situation where you confronted with difficult English words and you didn't understand the  Price skimming is the practice of selling a product at a high price, usually during the introduction of a new product when the demand for it is  Interest rates in most DeFi markets move by demand, meaning a user can borrow an asset at a rate that could radically change over the time  Definition of Skimming Pricing · In the early stages, the demand for the product is inelastic, till the product occupies a good position in the market.

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av J Harju · 2021 · Citerat av 1 — Table 1 also shows that mean and median HTC claimants have a notably higher taxable income than the average Finnish taxpayer. While the  The Last Supper: Beyond Da Vinci's Masterpiece | LivTalks On Demand with Elisa. This LivTalk is On-demand, meaning it is available and ready when you are!

at any time that someone wants or needs something: 2. available when a customer wants or asks…. Learn more.