League of Legends Chemtech Putrifier is a Legendary item that costs 550 Gold. This item is 81.68% gold efficient based on its 45 Ability Power, 15 Ability Haste, 100% base Mana regeneration Stats. You will see Chemtech Putrifier often built on Mid Lane champions.


Yuumi build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in

Here is a comprehensive explanation about the Morellonomicon vs Chemtech Putrifier debate. By - Teacherson404; 2 months ago  Nov 14, 2020 I would argue that, although Morello is slightly more gold efficient, Chemtech Putrifier ist a better choice for Lux. You get easier access to 60%-reduction, mana   Morellonomicon. Legendary · Mortal Reminder. Legendary · Chemtech Putrifier. Legendary.

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The item is fine but it's situational ☘ Liked the video? Subscribe: http://bit.ly/HkYNOT Follow me on The Morellonomicon vs Liandrys Torment debate has been going on for a while now. People used to build Morellos too often, but now they build Liandry's too of Builds Into: Chemtech Putrifier, Morellonomicon.

League of Legends Chemtech Putrifier is a Legendary item that costs 550 Gold. This item is 81.68% gold efficient based on its 45 Ability Power, 15 Ability Haste, 100% base Mana regeneration Stats. You will see Chemtech Putrifier often built on Mid Lane champions.

Only drawback compared to Morellonomicon is that it doesn't grant 250 health and gives 20 … 2021-04-07 2021-04-07 2021-04-07 Morellonomicon vs Chemtech Putrifier Chemtech putrifier can be stronger then morello some games. If you are already building everfrost and cosmic drive and you need to build antiheal the 20 cdr from chemtech is often better then the 250 health and 30 ap from morello.

Morellonomicon vs chemtech

Cost Analysis. Gold Value. 70 ability power = 1400. 300 health = 1000. Total Gold Value = 2400. 15 magic penetration = 333. 33333. Total Gold Value = 2733. 33333. Gold Efficiency *. Morellonomicon's base stats are 91. 11 % gold efficient.

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Morellonomicon vs chemtech

Old: Recipe: Ruby Crystal + Amplifying Tome + 765 = 1600. Stats: 20 ability power, 200 health.
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Morellonomicon vs chemtech

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As a support player I'm really not sure which one is better. I honestly feel like you can get a lot more value out of the Chemtech on champions like Morgana, Lux, Nami, etc. Chemtech is 100 gold cheaper which for support is kind of important, still not such a big difference, but it also applied the 60% Morellonomicon and Chemtech Putrifier are both Anti-Heal items. They are in the "mage" and "support" section of the store respectively.
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This item hasn’t been popular because AP item Morellonomicon was preferred, for it gives 20 more AP than Chemtech, with extra 250 health. The buff to Chemtech however, just made it more attractive. Supports could certainly do with the extra Ability Haste, and even more so empowering their ally to inflict Grievous Wounds.

While it does have slightly worse stats as a result, getting Grievous Wounds earlier more than makes up for it Morellonomicon vs Chemtech Putrifier Chemtech putrifier can be stronger then morello some games. If you are already building everfrost and cosmic drive and you need to build antiheal the 20 cdr from chemtech is often better then the 250 health and 30 ap from morello. League of Legends Chemtech Putrifier is a Legendary item that costs 550 Gold. This item is 81.68% gold efficient based on its 45 Ability Power, 15 Ability Haste, 100% base Mana regeneration Stats. You will see Chemtech Putrifier often built on Mid Lane champions.

Chemtech Putrifier also has Grievous Wounds effect like Morellonomicon, but it does not require the target to have lower than 50% HP in order to reach full power. Chemtech Putrifier inflicts 60% Grievous Wounds to immobilized Champions, and most of Mages have CC in their skills. It will be easier to deal tons of damage

V8.17 Cost Analysis. Gold Value. 70 ability power = 1400. 300 health = 1000. Total Gold Value = 2400. 15 magic penetration = 333.

Too many people believe in hard standard PTFE. This presentation should open eyes and show the incredible advantage of ePTFE (expanded PolyTetraFluorEthylene 2015-01-02 · With the item changes in Season 5, it may get a little confusing as to what is best to buy. While there wasn't a huge overhaul (except jungle items) like we've seen in the past, one big change has been the nerfs to Athene's Unholy Grail. Morellonomicon provides greater AP stats and an extra 250 health that more suits mage champions, while the Chemtech Putrifier’s effect is technically more efficient for buff champions.